About: Portraits for Prosperity

As creators of Portraits for Prosperity, Carla Wyzgala and Danielle Trejo, we invite fellow artists to join in a simple cause that will bring joy effortlessly to children in need in the Guatemala area.

So why Guatemala?
Currently in contact with Ashley Williams, a representative of Hannah's Hope Orphanage, I was moved by her photos and stories of the abandoned children in Guatemala City. To see for yourself, I encourage you to check out her xanga site linked on the right, or even friend her on facebook.

So how did this all start?
Having known Ashley for years now, she approached me as an artist to create a drawing of the irresistible children she was working with in a way that no one did. She wanted a portrait of a Guatemalan child exposing the truth of their situation in an equally irresistible way. Basically she had yet to see any art of children that screamed, "Adopt Me!"
As an art student, I found an opportunity to include this cause into a school project. I created a marker rendering of a Guatemalan girl from the photos Ashley had shown me as a class assignment.
I then mailed the piece to Ashley and she was EXTATIC. She framed it, hung it on her wall and the piece got much praise.
This sparked an idea.
What if other art students did portraits of these children for assignments while in school, then get sent through me to Ashley in Guatemala to be sold to profit the Orphanage and the exact children the artwork is of. How effortless on the artist's behalf, since Ashley will do the marketing. And how easy to feel good about a small and simple school assignment.

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